Tuesday, 4 December 2012


What do you think money is?

What does money means to you?

How much do you value money?

Do you appreciate the amount of money you have in hand?

Do you know the exact amount of money you have now?

Have you ever thought of these questions before? I'm sure not many of you have come to senses to even think of these kind of silly questions but it somehow hits you and makes you think doesn't it?

The way we treat money is like the way we treat our life. Do you realize that? Or you just know it now? Think about it. If you like to put your money in order, and properly, I would say you must be someone who likes things to be in order and always in place right? You don't like things when it is out of control don't you?

If you just use money and let it flow through your hands like water, then you must be treating life as if it is a simple thing. Not important. And you find that like water, your money always slip through your hands because you don't have a grip of it. It always comes and then goes. Comes and goes. Just like that. And you wouldn't bother to even cup your hands together to hold them to be kept for emergency use.

If you don't know the exact amount of money you have now, I'm sure you don't even know what is going on in this world. AND even if I were to steal it from you, you only know that your money is stolen. You don't know how much is stolen from you because you can't bother to even count the money you have in hand. Just like you don't care about what is going on around you. Not to be mean to use 'don't care' but you are unaware of what is going on. You are UNAWARE that you have so much with you. And when you lose it all you start to mourn over it. Regret for the loss.

IF I tell you, money is like your life, would you treat money more better? More gratitude towards what you have now?