I remember when I was about 14 years old, my passion for writing comes alive. I started writing poems and stories. That's because I just love writing things.
Then one day when a book brochure came to our school. It has the writing competition inside the brochure as well.
There were there titles to choose from to write about. But then only one of the story struck me as easy topic.
It was "my family"
At that time, I thought it was talking about my whole family and say about what they are and such.
In the end I didn't send my article although my friends encouraged me but my mom didn't know anything about it.
Thinking back about it now, I realize that even if I did sent my story with 800-1000 words in Times New Roman font and size 12.
I won't even get the prize at all. Because they were talking about my family. Not who they are, what they like and so on.
It's about how much I know about my family. It comes in different aspects. But I know that the way I write my story won't get any prize because that'll be too cliche.