I am glad that through out this year, I had met with amaizing people in my life. They are like walls to my roof. They help me when I am down. They are my back ups when I need one. They are there when I need them. And what more to say is that, they influence me a lot. They are great people.
Everyone around us are great and amizing people. We can get to learn things from one another. It is always good to surround yourself with people that can teach you and guide you. There is a saying that 'once the student is ready, the teacher is there'. And it is true. I never seem to understand this until I met with Mr. Tom Cumming, my english teacher. To me, he is the greatest teacher I have ever seen in my life.
It turns out that he is the teacher and I am the student. I am ready at all times but the teacher is not there. Now, I am really ready and the teacher is there for me. He is patient enough to my mistakes. He always guides me in my English writings. He is also kind enough to proofread my novel for me. He knows what my mistakes are and he will always remind me with the same two words. "Verb tenses".
Through him, I learn how to be really patient in work and how to slow down. And I really am glad and lucky to one of his lucky students. He is a teacher who teaches from countries to countries. This year is going to be his last year teaching and then he is moving back to his hometown New Zealand.
He always guides me in my studies and makes sure that I don't get much mistakes. He even told me to be aware on my verb tenses and I will be having good results in the end of the day. which turns out that he is right. By now, I can write such nice things all because of him. My english teacher. My most favourite teacher in the whole world. I dont think I can have any other better english teacher better than him.
He is can be a funny teacher. When he is angry, he has to know that he is fierce. When he is funny, he can tell all kinds of things that make a person laugh. When he is serious, he has an expression on his face showing people that he meant every word he says. It is very easy to read his face. He made all of us like him not only as a teacher but also as a friend. People like to be around with him all day long.
He is quick to understand at what level you are and teach you from the level you are in. I am sure that all of the students that he once taught are very lucky to have him as a teacher. The sad thing is that he is not teaching anymore but he promise me that he will still continue to proofread my books for me. With this, I hereby promise him and to all of you that when I get my book published it will all be no verb tenses wrong and my spellings are perfect.