This year, lots of changes had changed all through out the year. And most of the changes starts with me. Because I am the one who changes first so I can influence other people. If I don't change at all, then everything is still in square one. People say that they want to change the world or save the world, but they have to know that they have to change and save themselves first before other people.
This is how the world is. You change yourself and others will change with you. When you start to change people can feel your change and they will become the change with you. Same thing goes to your things in life. Things are stationaries. They cannot change on their own. They don't know how to change because they don't have hands and they are not a living thing.
WE are the change agents. WE change who we want to be. If those people doesn't change with us or choose not to change then it is up to them. Because they choose to be that. They don't want to change doesn't mean you don't have to change either. We all change. It is up to us whether we are changing to be better or worst.
Choice is in our hands. I made a quote saying that 'we are the leaders of our lives. WE are the one who change or else we get left behind.' I might not have gone through that but I am here sharing with you this is so that everyone who is reading this is ready to change their lives. If you aren't then it is your choice. If you say that you are not ready then it is up to you. Because you are the one who gets left behind with the past. I am just here to wake you up so you can wake up and stop waiting for someone to change your diapers for you.
Now I am being straightforward here because, i dont want you to be left behind with the others. i know that as a baby we have to wait for others to change our diapers for us and it is nothing to be ashamed of. we are all babies once. if you say that you werent a baby once then i am gonna say that you are out of your mind. we gone through the same thing. and from diapers we learn how to use the toilet. we learn how to clean ourselves. that is a big change. that is a big break-through. if we dont learn how to use the toilet, then we probably are still in diapers and the diaper company is going to be making tons of money already.
as we change into new things, we are also learning. that is why we have to grow. the reason we grow older is because we have to learn how to change somethings in life. we have to admit to ourselves that things are going to change sooner or later. if it doesnt then at least the time is changing. and people around you are changing too. in the future everything is changing and you are still left behind with the old fashion tv which only shows black and white screens and no colours.
you dont want that do you? of course not. everything has to change. EVERYTHING. remember this if you dont change, PEOPLE change, LIFE change, FRIENDS change, RELATIONSHIPS change, THINGS change, and you will be the only thing which is not changed and called RETARDED!
*p.s. dont feel offended, i dont mean to make you mad or sad. i apologize if i hurt your feelings. with all my heart i apologize.*