Friday, 31 August 2012

Happy Independence Day, Malaysia!

Hey, Malaysians! How are you guys? Our beloved country had just turned 55 this year recently. And apparently, I was too busy myself to post or update you guys. So sorry!!! I was having lots of things to deal with until I didn't have time to come back online to celebrate this important day of independence with all of you.

As for you guys who are non-Malaysians, It is an Independence day on 31st August. It is a very important day for us because it is the day Malaysia is free from being under other countries control. We have officially been free for 55 years up until now. And will still continue to stay that we don't we Malaysians? Let me hear a YES! MERDEKA!!!

I am sure that most of you guys out there wonder why do we shout "Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!" on our independence day while everyone else just celebrates it by throwing parties and all that. We shout 'merdeka' because 'merdeka' itself is a word that resembles freedom. Who gave us this freedom? Haha, that... all of the Malaysians can answer you that don't we? (if you are a malaysian and you don't know who gave us freedom, I strongly suggest you reread your history book. It's in there *wink*wink*)

As you can see, the people who came to invade our country are people like British and Japan. Well, the Japan people came to take our country or came into our country during the WW2. If you know what I mean. The british however is way further ahead that. From where I come from, I know that James Brooke was a explorer and he came to make a trade with one of the people who was in charge of this lovely, green, place.

I think it was because he wanted to make business or something? Then he past it on to Charles Brooke, the next generation of his who took control and then left around the 20's. I don't want to go too detail into history because it was a nightmare memorizing everything. If you are interested, please by all means do more research about it. You might find it interesting too! Just a head's up, if I am not wrong, there are some spanish invasion or something that you can learn from here...

Well, I guess I should end here now. Sorry for not updating on Independence day. I am truly sorry to all the Malaysians out there, and Happy Belated Birthday Malaysia! Love you! <3