Life is not to be expected. It does comes with expectations from your family, teachers, friends, boss, colleagues, Have anyone of you other there watch the series "Life Unexpected"? Well, I haven't though but I do know that life cannot be expected unless you understand how life works. And if you do know how life works, which is clearly very rare and impossible unless you go with the flow of life, you are God. But God is up in heaven not down here so I suppose that it will have to go through years and years of maturity to understand life itself.
If you expect life to be the way that you want it, then what is the point of living? You already know how your life is going to be. And you already can predict what is going to happen next. If that is how life is going to be like then it will be double the boredom and double the amazingness. Because everyone already knows what is going to happen next. Everyone already knows what will happen to them. When they are going to die. When they are going to get married. When they are going to be expecting.
Which comes to the reason why life is not to be expected. Because it is supposed to be a surprise. Something that we should not know about. It is our future. It can be planned to be that way but we cannot expect the weather to be right or the temperature of the area to be exact as we wanted it can we?
Everyday we live as a farmer. We eat Yesterday and harvest Today and plant Tomorrow again. Simple as that. That is how we live. And if Tomorrow is not ripe, we leave it aside and call it Future.
What we do Yesterday is the past. we pluck it out so it doesn't distract us and move on. We take in Today as we plant them yesterday. Then we plant Tomorrow again which will become Today when it is the next day. I hope I don't confuse you there... If I do, you know where to find me. I'm on where you can ask me what do I mean or if I've confused you. Don't hesitate. I'm just one 'Click' away. :)