Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Light and Dark

"Be the light that shines you the road, Not the dark that makes you doubt where you go." Mabel.

We are all light once. But we somehow fall into darkness because no one was there to stop us or hold us back and bring us back to the road. Not to say there wasn't just that there was someone that calls for us to come back to the river bank but we werent aware enough to listen carefully or hear their voices because we are too deep in it already.

This is how we ard in life sometimes. We mostly takes things around us for granted. Most of the times at this generation, teens would probably be the ones that takes most of the things for granted.

We take our lives for granted and say yolo for the times when you know you are doing something that is stupid or might hurt yourselves or health but you did it anyways. Why? Because yolo! You think that you only live once and should do everything while you can but I'm telling you when you can't get up on your bed or even talk anymore, that is the time you'd be reflecting why you did those things and believed in yolo so much. That is the times when you think that you should not have done it otherwise you'd be a happy person still being able to walk and talk.

Life may be only for once. But health is not a thing to say yolo so easily over. Just because yolo doesn't mean you should get high and OD over. You wanna die like that then go ahead. But I'm telling you first. You're not gonna like your funeral. Cause you may look normal but when the kind of face you have when you die is going to be the face you're carrying into your grave.

Stop drugging yourself. It's already a bad thing and lots of people already OD or died over it already. I don't want you to be the next one too.