Hey guuuuys out there,
It's me again. Recently, well actually for the past few weeks, I started to talk to a guy who is in Indianapolis, USA.
And this guy has a big heart. Very nice person to talk to. He is turning 20 this year, and he isn't in college yet. The reason he isn't is because he is now on the downside of life. And I believe that he would be on the upside again. Very soon.
Now to get to my point, and the essence of this post, is that he has a dream. And his dream is to be a psychiatrist and he also shares a dream with me that is to own an island. What he says to me is interesting. Because now, as you know, life is treating him very badly. He has to stay in motel. And move from one place to another.
That has nothing compared to the people who has no food or shelter. I am talking about just poor. Not very poor. And as you can see, or read from this post, that this guy hasn't give up in life. Although he would ask for a home. A proper house and home for his families.
His younger siblings stays with his mother. And they get abused if they don't do things right. His older siblings are studying. And what he said was "I am glad that I am the one not schooling." When he said that, he didn't mean it in a way that he hates schooling. His teachers love him because he always give the right answers in class and gets good grades for the subjects he studies.
And yet, after all these, he still dreams for an island. When I told him that I share the same dream, he says that once he bounce back he will work hard for that.
You see, the thing here is that it's not about being poor. It's not about being rich either. It's about having a dream even when everything around you is spiraling downwards. Because, a dream is what makes everyone keep living on everyday. It's something that helps you to have something to aim for in life. It isn't about being a billionaire or save the whole world from starvation.
A dream can be small. But it depends on how you see the dream as. A big dream is a long term dream. A small one can be something that you can reach for in the short term.
But the whole thing about this post is that, even when everything is not going right, you still have to pick yourself up, stop dragging your feet. Keep walking. If you can, RUN! FLY! Whatever it is that can keep you on the journey.
BUT the most important thing in the journey is that light in front of you. It has to be there. It MUST BE THERE. And how do you get that light you ask? Have intention. Set it right and your light is there. But it is blur and small. Then you have to clarify it. BE specific with your intention. Then your light will be brighter.
If you see it, then start walking towards it. RUN. FLY. But if it isn't walk. It is still going to be there. Find your intention again and you will still see it.
In life we go round and round and round until we meet the destination although that road is straight. But this is life. This is why it is called a journey. HENCE THE WORD LIFE JOURNEY, duh...
If it would help you, find someone that you know will remind you of your goal and intention. It'll be great if it's someone you can trust and cares for you. If they aren't find another one. Don't hesitate. Look for it and you will find. Like in the Bible, "ask and you shall receive" although I am not religious but if that is how you relate to it, then so be it.
So my friend, Find that intention. Clarify. Seek and you shall find, and then Walk towards it. You might fall into some pits and mud swamp along the way, but hey, it's challenges. It's there to teach you how to get out of it and when to avoid it.
And with that, I end this post.
Kindest Regards,