Friday, 9 March 2012

Quotes of life

Don't let things stop you from reaching your dreams or goals.
If it is something you want to be, do or have,
Let nothing stand in your way.
Do whatever it takes to get it.
Never let fear take over you,
Fight and stand your ground.
And never, ever give up.

Hey my loyal readers. How is it going with you guys around the world? Are you doing great? How is your studies for those who are studying and work for those who are working? In other words, how is life? I am pretty sure they are great aren't they. If not, mind if i ask why? Well, you don't really have to tell it if you don't want to but it is best if you tell it out to someone you can trust and someone you think can be a good listener beside you. A best friend. A lifetime partner. A boy or girlfriend. A group of colleagues. A pet, most probably. Or even better your parents, or family members. Someone you think that can give you the best advices or ideas of how to do things right when things go wrong.

Well, as you can see there is a quote above. I call it quote of life and this is what i am tittling my post tonight. On the first line I mentioned "Don't let things stop you from reaching your dreams or goals." Now when I mean "things" i mean all kinds of things. Obstacles, challenges, people, parents, family, friends, peers, teachers, anyone and anything by all means. When you have a dream or goal, it is important to reach for it. Because that is one of the reasons why we have dreams and goal in our lives. That is the reason why we have a brain to dream when we sleep. Dreams can be simple as learning how to bake a cake. It doesn't have to be big like becoming the CEO of Facebook company when you know it yourself that it is impossible. But you can change it to becoming part of the Facebook company. Reaching for our dreams is one of the way to fulfil our happiness inside. At least it works for me, though i am not sure about you. But it is one of the general way of keeping you going on. Something to keep you alive. Something to make you think that you have to live to reach for it no matter what it maybe.

The second line and the third one is connected. "If it is something you want to be, do or have, Let nothing stand in your way." You see, in life we all have our own individual challenges and fears and things to go through. We all have it. Even babies do, believe it or not. Their challenge is to get their parents attention 24/7. And as clever as babies can be they found their solution. IF they are not happy about something, they cry. IF they are hungry, they cry. IF they are hurt, they cry. IF they want your attention, they cry. SEE?! Babies can find their own way to do what ever they want. they only need to CRY. That is it. It is not hard and it is not easy either. Because they will have dry throats but thankfully they are feed with milk and water all the time so they never get sore throats. And we all have different kind of challenges too. Peer pressure, competition in the office, getting better grades and whatnot. We just have to find a way out of it and have no fear. Without fear, things can be overcome easily. Here I am going to share you something my cousin said and i really liked it. He says that "Fear is not doing something what people are afraid of. Fear is doing something that you are afraid of." Which i find it quite true as different people have different kinds of fear. For example, your relatives might be scared of spider and you are not. When you killed a spider, it doesn't mean that you are courageous. Yes, you may seem courageous to your relative but you are not to yourself. Because you are not afraid of it and never were.

Now, when i say "Do whatever it takes to get it." I do literally mean do whatever it takes to get it. If it is something that you want to do then do it. If it is worth doing it then do it. Why wait for someone to pull you down when you are almost there to fulfilment? Why wait there when your happiness is just right in front of you? Just reach out your hands and grab it. I know it may sound easier than said but once again, you have to work for it too. If you don't work hard for it then no point waiting for it to come to you. You don;t wait for success to come and get you. Success is the one that waits for you. If you don't have much time left then what are you waiting for? For the time to really stop and let you walk towards it? NO. Nothing in this world waits for someone or something that is not worth waiting for.  Opportunities comes and goes like thew wind blows. When it will come no one knows. When it will go no one knows. Where will it come from? Also no one knows. So don't wait around for things to happen. Do something to make sure that the dream is right in front of you.

"Never let fear take over you, Fight and stand your ground." I guess i need not tell you anymore about what i mean here do i? Well, i guess i do. If you don't want fear to ever come to you then love. Love is the only solution to fear. With love, all is peace. With love, there will be no war. With love, there will be hope. WITH LOVE, THERE SHALL BE NO FEAR. And i pray you all remember that. Because the words in CAPS there are my motto. I wish you all can remember that. How to get love? Love yourself first. When you learn how to love yourself, love will eventually come to you. When you don't know how to love yourself then let's just say that at least your relatives, families and friends love you. Unconditionally, as in without expecting any love back to you or them. When you care for somebody without expecting a return of care, you are loving unconditionally already. See. It is just that easy. Love but with no expectations.

 "And never ever give up." OK, here is something that I want to tell you about my name. You see, my first name is Mabel. and my family or last name is Ngu. Do you know what ngu means? It is a short form of "NEVER GIVE UP" Get it? SO whenever i look at my family, i always have a feeling that our family is very strong as we never give up. IF my family are practising that? I don't know but i am very sure that they never give up in life. Which is something that every one should do. We may give up on certain things but never give up on life as it is the most important thing in our life. Without life itself, we cannot live anymore. Appreciate life as we have it because they are many people that deserves, desires, longs, wish and all kinds o expression in the dictionary that should be used or shall i say WANT to live or have a life. Not life itself, but life as able to breath is enough for them already. If you don't want a life, have you ever thought about your mother who held you in her womb for 10 months just to bring you to see this world that we have now? IF you ever want to waste you life away, then think about people around you that you have influenced. Don't you think they might miss you when you are gone? Even if they don't, one person gone from this world makes a lot of changes in at least 500 peoples lives. I have lost lots of friends and people (not to say that they are dead cause they are still alive) to say that it does affects a whole lot of people if one person is gone. So if you ever want to give up on life, think about others and stop being selfish for just one moment and you will realise that it is almost the whole world that you are affecting give or take.