Have you ever noticed that people are always different from you? Always acting not like the way you want them to be? And you seem to always have something to talk about that person with your friends or someone that you want to create a conversation with? Have you ever realise why they are like that? Ever ask yourself why people are different from you? Well, the great and wise Mabel here can answer that for you.
The reason why people are different from you is because that is how they should be and how they are created or born to be. That is who they are and you can never change that. Because you are not the one who is playing God here. And to state the obvious you are not God. You don't get to choose how people look, act, laugh, talk, smile, breath, live and so on as the list goes on and on. YOU don't get to choose it because you are not them!
You are not them and never will be them. WHY? That will be the silliest question you might wanna ask because you are only given one life. You cannot go back to your mother's womb and be reborn again. NO, and that is just sick! You can only live your own precious life. No one else's but yours.
The truth about not bring able to control people's life is because if you do control them then everything will be under control and you can interpret what the other person is going to do in the next second or minute. Then there will be nothing to talk about anymore. You don't have to talk anymore and the world will be in complete silence because everyone knows what other wants.