Wednesday, 19 September 2012

I got an "A"!!!

Hey guys! Guess what?! I got an A! Well.. not just any "A" but in literature. We are suppose to do an essay about the downfall of Macbeth. It was marked out of 25. And I got 20! I was the only one I guess to get an "A" in the class!! WOOTS!! How great is that?! It sort of builds my confidence in doing literature next year.

I forgot to mention that I am doing Cambridge International Examination IGCSE English Literature and English First Language next year. OMG I can't wait for next year. I just want to get this over with you know? The feeling that you just want to get something over with so you can get the burden out of your shoulder.

I know that after this I have to go to college and all that further studying but I am already so ready for it! I know that I might sound insane but I feel like going to college now. Despite being still innocent to the field that I am going to specify into but I just want to skip all of this and go to my university now.

I don't know what's going on with me but I just feel very motivated to get a scholarship next year at Taylor's in Perth then into UWA. My "so-called" university that is awaiting for my arrival. Ahh... *Deep sigh* I just want to join everyone there now and get this studying thing over with as soon as possible so I can just travel everywhere and heal or in other words research for dieases and cure people on the way of my trip around the world. My beautiful world, have patience for I am coming. Soon...