"You don't deserve this. You don't deserve all of this."
In life, some people are treated like they don't deserve anything good in life at all. Those people are like the people who got bullied or judged or being abused. For example, typically the nerds get bullied for some reasons jsut because they look weak or something. I don't know for sure if it is true but just stereotypically they are bullied.
Most of the time, people tend to think that they are just weaklings that can be pushed around and make fun out of them because it is funny. Have you ever asked yourself how would it be like if it was you? How does it feels like being humuliated? Do you like getting bullied yourself? I'm sure you don't too don't you? Then why do it to innocent people who just wants to be left alone and live for goodness sake?!
What? SCHOOL is not a place for bullying people. I'm not saying that you can bully out of school. Uh,uh. No, NO. NO! Nowhere is a place where bullying is allowed. I know that some of you think that it is for fun, pleasure, a little tease. Or maybe you were treated that way and you want to know how it feels like to bully others. You get used to it already and it becomes part of you like a drug for you.
I've read somewhere about an a true real life story where the bully in the end ends up hurt and the nerd was the one who helps the bully instead. Why? Because he was freaking kind enough to. The nerd did not laugh back at the bully because he thought that he has deserved enough already. All the friends that the bully has does not even comes to visit him. Not once, certainly NOT EVER!
And you think that bullying is cool and raises your reputation? Well, guess what? You might wanna think again who is the one who's gonna help you out in the end. It might not happen to you but it might happen in the other way. Somehow, somewhere, someday. I belive that karma is waiting for you to come so it can kiss your @$$ with catcus or something to make you wake up and remember about this post I am posting about. This is not a threat bullies. This is a warning. Whatever you are doing now are just the beginning of the journey for some @$$-kicking time which is going to be so hurt you are going to beg for your life. It may not happen like the way. Remember, YOU ARE WARNED FOR WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS ATTRACTING WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU.