Each and everyone of us holds the key of happiness inside of us. It is up to us where do we place the key of happiness or who do we give it to hold unto. It is best if we can just keep the key to ourself. That way we don't have to worry about who is controlling our happiness. This also can prevent ourselves from being negative all the time.
When we give others to hold onto our key of happiness, it clearly is putting expectations on others to make us happy. That means that we are depending on others to make us happy. This also gives others the advantage to make us feel something else other than happiness. It shows that others have the privillage to make you go down anytime. Because they get to pull out or take back the key from your heart and keep it in a safe.
It is best to keep it to ourselves. Why? This way, we don't have to worry about someone else taking it away from us. We don't have to depend on others to make us happy. We can be independent and be happy ourselves. We don't need someone to make us happy. Because being happy is a choice. We can choose to be happy anytime we want to be. We don't need someone to control our lives needless to say our emotions.
So, people out there! Where did you put your key? IF it is on someone else, why not take it back and be responsible for your own happiness? Don't let someone else control your emotion. We are the owner of our lives. So be the person to make yourself happy. And be the leader of your life! Be happy, Stay happy.