Tuesday, 2 July 2013


What do you mostly think about when you are in doubt, let say in a relationship?

When you have doubt it means that you are not trusting enough to your partner (in any relationship you are in). Why are you not trusting? Why don't you trust the other?

Have we all forgotten the rules of a relationship? It all started with trust. You trust that your partner will love you back, treat you nice, stay loyal to you, be faithful to you.

The other reason that you may not trust your partner enough could be that you don't have enough trust in yourself. Think about it. They say that 'To love, you have to be love'. So I am rephrasing it with trust this way. "To trust another, learn to trust yourself."

I know that the generation that we live in now is hard to be trusting to another. Especially in a partnership relationship of any kind. Marriage, boy/girlfriend or even friendship. It is hard to trust now because the generation of our people have changed.

Not everyone can let themselves out to the whole world without feeling that they are being judged by another. Because everyone has a reputation to keep. That will be another story another post. But why can't you be trust so others can learn to trust you first?

Change starts with us, ourselves, not others. If you try to force someone to change, you will just end up getting g a headache and stress. So exclude the stress and let them learn to change by seeing the change in you first.