Saturday 17 September 2011


When you make someone happy, you will feel happy too. But that happiness isn't like any happiness. It is called inner joy. Happiness comes anytime you want it to. It can be now at this moment. Or later in a few minutes. It isn't neccesarry to make someone happy to be happy. You can be happy now. If only you choose to be happy.

You don't have to be rich, have a nice car, a beautiful house, or have all the desires that can fulfill yourself to be happy. Desires are forever there and will always be there. It is eternal. As human beings, our desire of wanting more never finishes. So never depend on fulfilling ourselves with all the desires because we will keep wanting for more.

We can choose to be anytime we want. We can choose happiness over sadness when we are not happy. We can choose to feel happy and let happiness flow through us so that we won't feel sad at all. In other words, we can be the ones who make the change and be happy. When we are happy, people around us will feel happy too. Then they will be happy and other people around them got influenced and be happy. If this keeps continuing then everyone in the world can be happy.

This is a shortcut to happiness. For those who believe in karma, they have a saying that what goes around comes around, it is true. When you be the one who is happy then maybe after a few minutes or days, you can feel happy from other people. It takes time,. It doesn't neccessarily meant that when you are happy other people around you will be happy too. No. It doesn't works that way.

Things takes time to change. People need time to adapt. Emotions takes time to built. Don't have to rush things. When you start to rush then you are having expectations in life. This way, you will never recieve happiness because, ecpectations only lead to failure. Don't expect to be happy but choose to be happy.