Sunday 10 March 2013

Think alike or not?

"Think alike like me and we can agree, think unlike me and we will never get anywhere."   -Mabel
Do you know why people take sides? It isn't because they are being bias to someone else. It isn't because they like that person more than the other. It isn't because they have a thing for that person. It certainly isn't because they think that the other is winning the conversation or the debate.
Do you even want to know why at all? The secret is they think alike. When some people are thinking like the same, they will always go to any level of conversation easily and talk together at the same way all the time.  When people think alike they can be ups and downs, high and low. Anywhere they go they are the same until they reached a point when they don't think the same and the other convice the other to be at the same level as them again.
Do you want to know how people succeed in business? This is their secret. The employer has a good relationship with their employees. Not the kind of realtionship that you and your very love one share, but then I mean that the kind of boss-employee relationship.
You have to allign your team before you do what your business is like. Before you think about opening your business, you have to make sure that everyone in your team is allign with the intention or what you are selling. The other thing is that you have to know what you are selling.
Service? Then ask yourself, what kind of service are you selling to the people? Who are you selling those service to? How are you going to sell your service? Are you ready for the questions that you are going to recieve? Are you ready to hear what they have to say about your service? Do you service sellers ever ask yourself that? Or do you just do what you are supposed to do so you get your salary in the end?
I may just be a normal student and I don't take business studies so I don't know much about business. BUT what I do know is that, if you want to success, know how to allign your team first. Know your intention behind everything before you start to do something.