Thursday 4 April 2013

The fours

Surprise, surprise. It is the 4th of April and it is 4am from where I am at least... Plus. never mind about the time it is 4th April 2013 ... and it is Thursday. So we can just rule out the 2013 and replace it with Thursday. SO it is 4day of the week, 4th day of the 4th month of the year!! Amazing huh? Get it now?! Or my sense of humour just seems to fail in a way.. But never mind. Sooner or later you will understand. IF only it is next year that we have the same situation then it would be so much better.

However, it is a sad thing to inform you guys that we can't have that... Why? Well.. thanks to how the calendar works, or the world goes around the sun... we have 28 days in Feb next year... And it isn't a leap year so we can't have that.. Meh... Oh well. At least we have it this year, and I just happened to notice it so yeah.. YAY!!!

Come on. Be merry alright? Or you are already? haha. Gotta have a laugh for a day or a while.. Keeps the wrinkles out of the way!! AND EEEEXXXXXTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDD your life as well. It is good to have a laugh you know? Good things are always the cheapest sometimes. Well.. not all materail things can make you live longer as well.. So keep laughing. Cause I will be watching you...

*P.S. I am just messing with your head.. It's alright to think that I am freaky or weird now. Cause hey, how long have you been reading this blog? Once? Twice? Well you better get your butt tight on your chair cause if you are reading this you might as well read the rest. It's gonnnnnaaaa beeee bummmmpyyyyyy!!!!!